8 months down, a Lifetime to go......
Sleeping: You are getting better at sleeping through the night.
But at times you still wake up at least once. We have had to lower your
bed b/c somebody :) can now pull up!
Feeding: Eating all 3 meals now. Some days your appetite is better than others.
You are drinking between 4-7 ounces. You like to try new foods. So far you are not allergic
to anything but Yogurt is not your friend!
Length: 28 inches
Weight: at 7 mo 2 days 18lbs 14.5 oz
at 7 mo 4 days 18lbs .5 oz
( this was due to you being sick)
Diaper size: Size 3
Clothes size: 3-6 months, 6 months, 6-9 months
Haitr color: light brown
Eye Color:Brown
Favorite Toy: Weebles rattles, leap frog table, vtech ball, mini tonka cars and trucks,
chicco riding toy
First Things: 1st flip w/ Daddys help, pulling up on tables chairs, and tv stand, Chest X rays, tested for RSV,
Finger pricked x 2, Pedialyte, Lost 14 oz in 24 hours, SAID DADA- :), Pics with Chalk Drawings,
Sadly had a french fry and Sugar cookie, tried a biscuit & bbq, Cousin Morgan kept me, Stroll on my new ride on the driveway, played with fresh cotton, UTm Quad City, Day Date with Dayton Miller,
1st Rich Reunion
Halloween Costume
Rich Reunion
First Places:
Corren Tippetts Wedding, First Baptist Church, Aunt Lori's,
Buffalo Wild Wings, Green Acres Farm Pumpkin Patch,
Cotton patch, Civic Center