Monday, October 3, 2011

Week 21 of Pregnancy

*How far along?: 21 Weeks
*Total weight gain?: 8 Pounds
*How big is baby?: the length of a Carrot
*Sex: Its a GIRL- Emory Cathleen Williams
*Maternity clothes: All prego Now with exception of some my own shirts
*Stretch marks: Nope
*Sleep: wake up at 3 am everyday
*Best moment this week: Registering for Emory and spending time with Jen & Melynn
*Movement: Very active!
*Food cravings:Anything I can get my hands on
*Labor signs: Lets hope not
*Belly button in or out: in
*What I miss: SLEEP
 *What I'm looking forward to: Spending time with my ZTA Sisters for the 50th Anniversary at UTM!

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